If you follow us on social media, you've probably seen our #sufferbites campaign. With the help of The Painted Warrior, we've married some of our favorite soundbites with stylized movie stills. And the response has been incredible. The campaign has been excessively popular, though the Amelia one touched a nerve. Amelia's meme elicited over 3000 reactions, comments and shares. With the VAST MAJORITY of commenters declaring that they're doing it for the right reasons... of course. :)
We finally released this film! We debuted at #5 on the iTunes documentary charts (wohoo!) -- and peaked at #3 -- before drifting back. Pretty great considering we have no marketing budget and no press... yet. We're hoping to change all of that in the near future so that we can top these charts.
Two weeks ago we uploaded our trailer to our FB fan page and... BOOM!
Our heads are still spinning from the organic reach. I has been shared over 2500x, and netted us 1500+ new fans. Pretty amazing.
Thanks to everyone who liked, commented and/or shared.
After a long and winding road, we finally finished a feature film about this muddy, messy world. Now it's time to unleash it. And we want to do so in a unique way that speaks to the grassroots spirit of sufferfests, bringing it straight to our core audience with a buzz-building, community-building summer ROADSHOW.
We'll screen it near key obstacle course events around the US (and hopefully Europe)... projecting the film onto inflatable screens in fields, fairgrounds, farms, parks, amphitheaters, whatever works. These will be BYO-blanket-and-beach-chairs sorts of affairs... and will feature Q&As with available cast, crew, athletes, insiders and other colorful people who happen to be around. The goal is simple, to create unforgettable evenings that celebrate this subculture.
In short, we don't want to do the festival circuit. We want to BE the festival. And if we play our cards right, we think we can raise enough noise to support a successful worldwide digital release this fall.
More dates and details coming soon!